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About Us

Green Goals has been set up by Hilary Allison, who has over 35 years of hands-on experience in advocacy for forests and for nature both in the UK and internationally. She has worked for the National Trust, the Woodland Trust and UNEP-WCMC in senior managerial and advocacy positions within the environmental not-for-profit sector and now works in non-executive and governance roles for the Forestry Commission and other nature and development charities. She is also a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Foresters.

She brings her knowledge of advocacy at both national and international levels, organisational strategy and leadership, managing diverse teams, meeting facilitation and communications to bear on your organisational needs and opportunities.  

Scroll down to read more about our clients which include UNEP, FAO, IIED, Natural England and Nicholsons. 


Our clients

A selection of outputs


Green Goals has worked closely with staff in UNEP's Global Assessments Unit since 2022 on a range of tasks including analysis of consultation responses and technical support  for the Future of GEO (Global Environment Outlook) options report presented to the UN Environment Assembly meeting (UNEA 5.2) in February 2022, and drafting of the update to Resolution  3/5 presented at UNEA-6 in February 2024. We continue to provide support for authors of the Land and Soils chapter in the seventh edition of GEO due for publication in late  2025 and for development of the network of 15 GEO collaborating centres by UNEP.

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Green Goals was part of a small team led by  the International Institute for Environment and Development which produced a report in 2022 for the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs entitled: Women, girls and biodiversity loss: an evidence and policy review. 


Green Goals provided international perspectives on an 'ecology manifesto' proposal prepared by Nicholsons for a corporate client.

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Green Goals was commissioned to prepare a rapid evidence review on the subject of how high or low levels of density of use of urban green spaces might affect displacement of visitors.  Publication - March 2024.

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Green Goals together with other specialists was commissioned to prepare a discussion paper on the definition of forest degradation by UN Food and Agriculture Organization to support future editions of the Global Forest Resources Assessment.

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